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Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 10, 2019

How to Stop Worrying & Sleep Better

Without  doubt, the biggest contributor to bad sleep is worry. We are a worried world with genuine reasons to be worried.

However, what we need to learn to do is let these worries go during the day, not wait until our head hits the pillow to start mulling them over in a factory of repetitive thoughts.

how to stop worrying and sleep

Stop Taking Your Worries to Bed
Try to focus on the positive side of the worry. For example; if you are unhappy at work, don’t focus on the day-to-day unhappiness you are feeling, focus on and visualize positively changing the situation.

In this case your goal will  probably be to get a new job, and so in your mind create a picture of what the job will look like when you get there. Here are some pointers to help with the visualization process.

1. Think about a friendly new boss who doesn't nag all the time.

2. Picture your new desk and new environment – a new start!

3. Think about making great new friends.

4. Picture a bigger figure on your paycheck!

Expel Your Worry During the Day to Sleep Better at Night
Expel the worry by filling in the gaps between the worry with where you want to be. Fill these gaps in with the best possible outcomes. Have a clear picture of where you want to be and how it will feel when you get there. Do this during the day twice a day; once in the morning and once in the late afternoon.

By doing this you are dealing positively with the worry during the day, enabling you to go to sleep with a positive mindset. When we suppress worry and fear during the day, our subconscious mind, which becomes active when we get into the sleep zone, begins to push the negativity to the front of the mind when we try to sleep.

Let Go of What Can’t be Changed
If we take the above example regarding work, it's obvious you cannot change where you work right this second, unless you just quit – which probably isn't the best idea.

And so the best way of dealing with worry is to just let go of what can't be changed immediately. When you do this you will find that you come up with new ways of adapting and dealing with the situation. You will start to devise a strategy with steps toward positive change .

Accept where you are now without worrying or stressing about the future. Let go and realize that this moment is just one in a series of your life; a stepping stone to a better place. No situation is permanent, and the only immediate change we can make is in thought.

We can choose how we think about a situation. We choose our perception and judgement, positive or negative. We can shape the outcome of the future by accepting the moment and positively managing our expectations for the future.

Don’t take worry to bed, or else you won't sleep well. Instead, spend the day positively visualizing the steps you need to take to reach a positive outcome.

Sleep well.

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