name = 'Sleep apnea treatment, How to stop snoring, Sleep apnea' Healthy Care

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The Oxidized Cholesterol Program

Discover The Secret FOOD Which Step By Step Lower Your Bad Cholesterol Level And Keep Away From Heart Attack Stroke.

The Blood Pressure Exercises

The Blood Pressure Exercises Discover :3 Easiest ,Most Effective Mind/Body Exercises To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally.

How To Reverse Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes breakthrough reveal the truth about diabetes that has been suppressed for over 21 years and give the perfect method to reverse your diabetes in 3 weeks.

Natural Kidney Health And Kidney Function Restoration Program

The program is step-by step treatment designed to Improve Kidney Health naturally an Eliminate the need for dialysis completely.

Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 12, 2019

Lower Your Cholesterol - 9 Tips For Lowering LDL Cholesterol

9 Tips For Lowering LDL Cholesterol 9 Tips to help you avoid using traditional medications and choosing more natural methods of reducing cholesterol.
9 Tips For Lowering LDL Cholesterol

1. The first tip is to eat right. 

Eating a well balanced diet will help the body to fight off bad things like high cholesterol. You are what you eat is a true saying. 

2. Eat raw fruits and vegetables. 

Raw fruit and vegetables contain optimum levels of vitamins and minerals and this type of food will help to build a strong healthy immune system. 

3. Increase your exercise levels. 

Increasing exercise is a good way to allow the body to function better naturally. 

Higher levels of exercise create the changes the body needs to promote increased HDL and lower LDL triglycerides in the system.  Ideally, a good workout routine should consist of 30 minutes of exercise every other day. 

4. Stop smoking. 

Studies show that smoking increases cholesterol levels in the body, which causes heart attacks and strokes. 

Break the bad habit and allow the body time to heal from the damage. Make sure to take antioxidants and eat foods naturally high in antioxidants to help fight the damage the smoking caused. 

5. Stop or reduce alcohol intake. 

Drinking alcohol has some of the same effects as smoking, causing undue stress on the body. If you drink, do so in light moderation.

6. Drink plenty of water.

 Water is the best internal cleanser. It cleans the digestive system, and it also helps to clean the blood. 

7. Remain calm. 

Reduce the stress and stop free radicals from taking hold. One of the best ways to assist in lowering cholesterol naturally is to get plenty of rest each day. 

8. Add fish to your diet.

 Eating fish twice a week in combination with taking a krill oil supplement will really boost your good cholesterol levels. 

Fish, particularly salmon, halibut, cod, mackerel, sardines and anchovies are high in omega 3 fatty acids. If possible, try to buy wild caught seafood. 

I addition remove fatty meats like beef and pork from your diet. You can eat lean cuts but limit your intake of red meats. Instead choose fish or skinless chicken. 

9. Take a high quality omega 3 krill oil health supplement. 

Antarctic krill oil is high in omega 3 and also omega 6 and other antioxidants.

These nutrients help the body to lower the bad LDL cholesterol levels and raise the good HDL cholesterol levels.  
If you are interested in knowing more on how to reduce cholesterol levels naturally, refer to our cholesterol guide.

Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 12, 2019

Lower Your Cholesterol - Foods Can Help To Lower Your Cholesterol


It’s no secret that certain foods can help you lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, which causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries that leads to heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. But what may surprise you is that many of these foods are delicious and easy to incorporate into your everyday meals without sacrificing flavor or fun.

Let go to these 7 foods

Foods Can Help To Lower Your Cholesterol

Foods Can Help To Lower Your Cholesterol

1/ Chocolate .

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, antioxidants that help lower LDL levels. Just make sure to eat in moderation, as chocolate is also high in saturated fat and sugar. You can also use dark, unsweetened cocoa powder in your cooking to get similar heart-healthy effects.

2/ Avocados .

There’s more to avocados than just guacamole. They give you oleic acid, which helps lower the bad cholesterol in your bloodstream. Avocado oil, which has a subtle, sweet flavor, can also be used in place of other oils in cooking.

3/ Tea .

Both black and green teas contain powerful antioxidants that may reduce cholesterol levels. Green tea typically contains more of these antioxidant powerhouses, as it is made from unfermented leaves and is less processed.

4/ Wine .

Red wine contains resveratrol, a substance found in the red grape skin, which may prevent damage to blood vessels by reducing the risk of blood clots and lowering LDL. Drinking too much alcohol can cause a host of other health issues, however; so while a glass of red wine at dinner is fine, don’t overdo it.

5/ Nuts.

Nuts are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, so almonds, walnuts, or pistachios can help reduce your LDL levels. Try sprinkling them on your salad, or eat them right out of hand as a snack. Just be sure to choose the low-salt option, and keep it to about 1.5 ounces a day -- nuts are also high in calories .

6/ Fruit .

Pears and apples have a lot of pectin, which is a type of fiber that can lower cholesterol. So do citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. Berries are also high in fiber.

7/ Vegetables .

Most vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories. Eggplant and okra contain high amounts of soluble fiber. Eggplants are also high in antioxidants. But any kind of vegetables will give you fiber and nutrients that are good for you.

Beside these foods , do you know one secret food can help to lower your cholesterol easily ?

Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 10, 2019

Sleep Apnea Treatment - 5 Causes Of Snoring

Over the next few minutes you’ll discover 5 Causes Of Snoring: Older Age, Nose and Throat Conditions, Sleep Style, Alcohol Use and Excessive Weight. Watch a Real The Stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea Program Review Testimonial Here:

5 Causes Of Snoring

These five common causes can lead to noisy night time breathing.

1.Older Age

As people get older, their sleep habits change. Some may find it takes longer to fall asleep and that the rest isn’t as restorative as it once was.
Aging also impacts snoring, in part because the throat muscles and tongue tend to relax more during sleep with age, causing a vibration on the inhale which leads to snoring.

2.Nose and Throat Conditions

Certain physical ailments in the nose and throat can contribute to snoring. 
These may include a deviated septum (a condition that occurs when the wall that divides the nostrils is shifted to one side), nasal polyps (soft growths that line the insides of the sinuses), and enlarged tonsils, or adenoids.
 Suffering from seasonal allergies or a nasty cold can also bring on a bout of snoring.

3.Sleep Style

If you notice that you or your partner snores more when positioned on your back than when resting on your stomach or side, then you’re dealing with a case of ‘side dependent’ snoring. 
The good news is that with practice, you can train yourself to sleep on your side or belly, which may reduce the likelihood of snoring.

4.Alcohol Use

A nightcap used to be recommended for a good night’s sleep, but it’s become clear that drinking before turning in for the night can be disruptive—and it plays a role in those who snore.
 Alcohol is a strong muscle relaxant, causing the areas around your throat and airway to slacken during sleep, resulting in vibration when you breathe. 

Along the same lines, if you take a muscle relaxant in the evening, it may contribute to more snoring.

5.Excessive Weight

Too many pounds can be a risk factor for many health issues, and it’s also a contributor when it comes to snoring. 
Being overweight leads to poor muscle tone and increases the tissue around the neck and throat, two causes of nighttime noise.

★For more information about other natural programs which can help you healing your diseases easily at home.★
►Lower High blood pressure :
►Lower Cholesterol                 :
►Kidney reverse                       :
►Cure Snore-SleepAnea         :
Cure Arthritis Naturally        :
►Vertigo/Dizziness Exercises :
►Back Pain relief                      :
►Diabetes Reverse                   :
►Unlock Your Hip Flexors       :

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Hopefully this video will help him and many other people who snore around the world, feel free to share on to friends and family. 

If you snore, getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult for both you and your partner. However, the good news is that help is available.
Once you know the best way to stop snoring, you and your loved ones will be able to sleep more peacefully at night.

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 10, 2019

Sleep Apnea Treatment - How To Stop Snoring - Tip AND Tricks

In this video we’ll take a look at how to do How To Stop Snoring. We’ll be talking about Tip AND Tricks Sleep Apnea Treatment.

Over the next few minutes you’ll discover Tip AND Tricks Stop Snoring. Watch a Real The Stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea Program Review Testimonial Here: ------------------------------------------------------- ★Tools and Materials Used In This Video★ ---- Tool :Camtasia Material :Img: ---- ★ One common thing that will cause you to snore is sleeping on your back. Changing the position in which you sleep can give fast relief from snoring. Sleeping on your side can reduce or even eliminate snoring entirely. If you have trouble sleeping on your side, buying a body pillow can help. These large pillows will support you while you sleep so that you do not roll back onto your back. Another solution is to attach a tennis ball to the neck of your pajamas to prevent yourself from rolling over. Being overweight or obese can also contribute to snoring. Losing weight may not give relief from snoring as quickly, but it can be a long-term solution. This is particularly true if you began to snore only after you put on extra weight. Drinking alcohol can exacerbate your snoring, particularly if you tend to drink in the evening before you go to bed. Alcohol is a muscle relaxant that can cause the muscles of your throat to sag while you sleep. This makes it more likely that you will snore at night. Reducing the amount that you drink, or giving up alcohol entirely, can help reduce snoring. Good sleep habits will also make you snore less. If you do not get as much sleep as you need or if you go to sleep at a different time every night, you will be more likely to snore. Try to establish a regular sleep routine that relaxes you before you go to bed. Go to bed at the same time each night, and avoid watching TV or using the computer for at least half an hour before you turn in for the night. ★----- ★For more information about other natural programs which can help you healing your diseases easily at home.★ ►Lower High blood pressure : ►Lower Cholesterol : ►Kidney reverse : ►Cure Snore-SleepAnea : Cure Arthritis Naturally : ►Vertigo/Dizziness Exercises : ►Back Pain relief : ►Diabetes Reverse : ►Unlock Your Hip Flexors : ★ Follow My Social Media: ★ ►Twitter: ----------------------- ►Facebook: ----------------------- ►Linkedin: ---------------------- ►Blogger: ►Website: ---------------------- ► Youtube chanel: Youtube chanel: ---------------------- ► Pinterest: --------------------- ►Reddit: ---------------------- ► Tumblr: ---------------------- If you liked this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future. Hopefully this video will help him and many other people who snore around the world, feel free to share on to friends and family. Thank You!

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2019

Sleep Apnea Treatment - Home Remedies For Snoring

7 Home Remedies For SnoringIf you are a snorer or you are living with one, we will go over several home remedies for snoring that will help everyone rest easier.

Stay Away From Alcohol

Try not to drink any alcohol too close to bedtime. Too many drinks can cause the muscles in the tongue to relax. When this happens, the tongue can obstruct the airway causing you to snore.

Use A Humidifier

Plugging in a humidifier and sleeping with it on can help tremendously. This will stop your throat and airways from becoming irritated due to dry conditions, resulting in less snoring.

Stay Elevated While Sleeping

Try not to lie completely flat when you are sleeping. This may be a comfortable position for you, but it will only make you snore more. Prop your head up at least four inches and there will be a huge reduction in the amount you snore.

Lose Weight

Weight loss is one of the most effective ways to stop snoring. While it is one of the best ways to quit snoring, it is also one of the most difficult. Losing weight is not something that happens with the flip of a button, so you will have to work hard in order to achieve this.

Use A Sleep Routine

Try to get enough sleep on a regular basis. Whether you believe it or not, many people snore because the body is overtired at bedtime. Not overworking yourself is a great way to prevent this. Set aside at least eight hours of sleep per night for maximum results. 

Change Bedding Regularly

Change the linens on your bed regularly. Allergens are one thing that can contribute to whether or not a person snores. Eliminate this issue by changing your bedding at least once a week. 

If you happen to be that person or you sleep with that person, these home remedies for snoring should give you some type of relief.

Check out the description of the video below to get more information on the remedies for snoring 

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 10, 2019

Understanding Delta Brain Waves Sleep

Delta brain waves are the lowest and slowest brain waves, carrying a frequency range of between 1-4Hz. Delta brain waves are active mainly in stages 3 and 4 of sleep.

Sleep stage 3  is known as slow-wave sleep (SWS), which consists of delta waves at less than 3.5 Hz. At this stage you no longer produce any reaction to environmental stimuli. Stage 4 is known as REM sleep, where the sleeper enters Rapid Eye Movement and delta brain waves make up more than 50% of the brain wave activity.

In this stage most muscles are paralyzed and it becomes increasingly harder to wake the sleeper. This sleep stage is hugely important in terms of bodily regeneration, yet surprisingly, during the 5 (average) sleep cycles we have each night, the REM stage makes up for only 20-25% of sleep time.

So, if you are waking up before or during the REM sleep stage, you are depriving the body of essential sleep.  You'll know if you've ever woken up during the REM stage, or gotten hardly any REM sleep at all because you will feel disorientated, irritable and groggy during the day.

 Brain Waves  Sleep
brainwaves chart

How Important Are Delta Brainwaves
Delta brainwaves help us achieve important, restorative sleep by assisting in the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), a hormone that promotes regeneration and healing in the body.

Delta brainwaves also help reduce the production of cortisol, which is the hormone secreted when we experience stress. Cortisol is also responsible for physical and mental aging, another important reason for getting a good night's sleep.

The effects of a lack of delta brainwaves is best understood when looking at sleep deprivation rather than sleep itself. When we don't sleep properly the body feels lifeless; lacking energy, achy, unable to concentrate, easily stressed and irritable.

We are unable to perform simple tasks fluidly, and unable to retain information and learn to the optimum of our ability. This is why stages 3 and 4 of the sleep cycle are so important, and such a problem for those who sleep lightly and wake continuously during these stages.

Training the Brain to Enter Delta
The Six Steps program comes with two binaural beats recordings engineered in the delta zone, Deep Sleep and Blissful Sleep. Binaural beats recordings work by replicating the desired brain state using a process called “frequency response”.

When listening to a recording set in the delta zone, the brain tunes in to the frequencies it is hearing and responds accordingly. The science works by sending one frequency to the left ear and one to the right, the difference between these two frequencies is the one the brain responds to.

For example, if we send 200 Hz to the right ear and 203.5 Hz to the left ear, the brain will respond by producing brainwaves at 3.5 Hz, the exact delta brain state that occurs in sleep stage 3.

Listening to delta binaural beats recording before going to sleep will assist in the production of delta brainwaves, and ultimately promote better sleep and less periods of intermittent waking during sleep stages 3 and 4. Delta brainwaves are vital to the overall sleep cycle, and ultimately vital in maintaining a healthy body.

Have You Got the Insomnia Gene?

Have You Got the Insomnia Gene?

Are you a life long bad sleeper?

Do others in your family sleep like babies while no matter what method you try, you lie awake without fail night after night, getting just a few hours sleep each night?

Until recently, insomnia was considered a purely psychological complaint triggered by stress, grief or sleep disruption as a result of shift work or jet lag.

But now doctors are unravelling a genetic explanation of why at least one-third of people have intermittent or constant sleep problems, and you might just have what scientists are calling the insomnia gene.

The condition is applicable to those who lack the “comfort genes” required to get a good night's sleep, and challenges previous thinking that insomnia is a purely psychological problem.

Those with the insomnia gene are immune to feelings of warmth and relaxation, the very things that send the average person off to sleep within 15 or so minutes.

This group of people is genetically engineered to maintain a state of alertness.  Of course this presents a playing field for sleep problems, and as such those with the insomnia gene lack the ability to sleep for prolonged periods of time, and instead sleep in short bursts through the night.

How Do You Know if You've Got the Insomnia Gene?
If you often find it difficult to get comfortable, and soon as your head hits the pillow find that you are fussing over the position of the duvet and your sleeping position, then you are a potential candidate.

There are, however, other kinds of insomnia genes. For example, some people may experience periodic wakefulness through the night, and others may wake at the slightest sound.

Some people may find they sleep for a few hours then find themselves ready to leap out of bed at 4am, only to be struggling with energy by lunchtime. In total, researchers believe there could be six or more types of insomnia linked to genes.

Is the Insomnia Gene Hereditary?
Eus van Someren, head of sleep research at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and one of the global experts leading the drive to identify the genes, says that insomnia genes originate from our early human ancestry.

In early human tribes, one or two members would be relied upon to stay awake and guard the community from attack during the night.

Professor van Someren says unexplained sleeplessness seldom affects children, but seems to arise during adulthood, for reasons that are not understood, yet the problem often runs in families, making a genetic link a high probability.

Is There a Cure?
Some of the relevant genes have already been identified in experiments on mice at the Medical Research Council’s mammalian genetics unit. This means that in years to come it will be possible to develop drugs to block the effect of the chemical signals the genes produce.

Professor van Someren explains, “One of the most interesting discoveries is that some insomniacs seem to have a diminished capacity to judge comfort.

If you put materials with different temperatures on their skin, they seem to give random answers about whether they like it or not. Feeling warm and comfortable is essential in falling asleep”.

What You Can Do Until Then
For those who don't suffer anxiety or depression, or work shifts or have a sleep-affecting diet, yet have experienced insomnia for many years, the insomnia gene is a real possibility. Unfortunately, however, a cure is some way off.

Moreover, scientists still don’t know how many biological processes are involved in falling asleep, nor the genes involved in each. So in the meantime the only thing you can do is improve your sleep by developing a healthy pre-bed routine, and creating a lifestyle and physical environment conducive to better sleep.